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Love: Life's Greatest Gift
"Love is life's greatest gift. We seek for love, and yet it is all around and within us. It belongs to the oneness of life, to every dewdrop on every leaf, to the spider spinning its web, the child looking at the stars. If we open our senses and open our hearts, we can feel its presence. Love is life speaking to us of its real mystery. And in that conversation so many things can happen, so many mi... posted on Dec 30 2021, 6,105 reads


Maple Syrup: Taste of Wonder
"But sometime in February, just when we grew restless and a little weary from the lack of color all winter, from the scarves, boots, shovels, and crockpot stews, we'd feel the flurries of my favorite type of snow: a sugar snow, thick and heavy, hugging the base of the sugarbush--what a forest of sugar maples made for tapping is called--while keeping the roots cool enough that they don't start deve... posted on Dec 29 2021, 2,630 reads


Beyond 5 Sense Based Humanity?
Neuroscientist David Eagleman expertly "decodes the mysteries of the tangled web of neurons and electricity that make our minds tick -- and also make us human. 'Our experience of reality,' says Eagleman, 'is constrained by our biology.' His research into our brain processes has led him to create new interfaces to take in previously unseen information about the world around us. Read this overview o... posted on Dec 28 2021, 5,179 reads


Why Adults Lose the Beginner's Mind
"We spend so much time and effort trying to teach kids to think like adults. A message of Gopnik's work and one I take seriously is we need to spend more time and effort as adults trying to think more like kids." This wide-ranging conversation between Ezra Klein and psychology professor Alison Gopnik discusses how children think, the value of play and the pivotal difference between 'spotlight' con... posted on Dec 27 2021, 5,293 reads


Atlas of the Heart
"Researcher, academic and best-selling author Brene Brown has spent the last two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. Her TEDx talk, "the power of vulnerability", is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with more than 50 million views.In her sixth and newest book, Atlas of the Heart, she takes us on a journey through 87 of the emotions and experiences that ... posted on Dec 26 2021, 5,869 reads


When There Is No Language Speak Kindness
"Perhaps, you also grew up with this notion: that to be of value, it has to be big. And what if that notion is not true? What if it is the seemingly small actions that are in fact, of great value? What if these seemingly small actions are what connect us one to another and open the gateway to deeper understanding?" Kristin Pedemonti shares more.... posted on Dec 25 2021, 2,468 reads


Man on the Moon
A little girl enthusiastically observes the moon through a telescope. She spys an elderly man living there alone. With childlike exuberance she finds a way to let him know that he is not alone as they connect on a heart level, bridging the great distance that separates them. The song "Half the World Away" sung by Aurora Aksnes, adds to the magic of this celebration of the ability of hearts to conn... posted on Dec 24 2021, 2,249 reads


14 Fabulous & Contemporary Women Nature Writers
"Each of these women's words can make us reconsider or better appreciate our relationship to the natural world. So, go find an alfresco reading spot (or at least a place with a view of the great outdoors), and dig into literary fare from the following ladies." The following piece highlights the work of 14 wonderfully diverse women who are outstanding contemporary nature writers.... posted on Dec 23 2021, 4,049 reads


Rediscovering Gentleness
"At the end of Craig Foster's 2020 documentary film My Octopus Teacher, he shows his son the wonders of nature along the shore and in the sea. He says the most important thing to learn is a gentleness that thousands of hours in nature can teach a child. The word 'gentleness' suddenly stood out and could well be the best description of the film. It is a word rarely used today." Karachi-based artist... posted on Dec 22 2021, 5,013 reads


A Solstice Invitation
The solstice in December marks the first day of winter. In the Northern hemisphere it is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Ever since ancient times, this day has been celebrated across the world as a time of renewal, a kindling of hope in the depths of darkness. depended. From contemplative artist and dharma coyote Aura Glaser comes this poetic Solstice invitation. ... posted on Dec 21 2021, 6,894 reads


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The soul is healed by being with children.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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